Using music as a tool for bringing people closer together, I facilitate conversations and collaborative music-making opportunities that inspire teams to listen deeply to each other. No musical experience? No problem. All that’s needed to participate is a connection to experimentation and play. The value of our collaboration is simple and true: we each shine brighter when we’re shining together.
Schedule Your Free Bespoke Team Building Consultation:
My approach to team building recognizes and values the wisdom we each carry and the agency we have in connecting to our creative power and infinite potential.
My bespoke team building experiences channel interdependence: an understanding that our successes are collective and the sustainability of our efforts are intertwined. Together, we’ll channel interdependence and do-it-together methodologies that upend the concept of rugged individualism, proving that we should and can rely on each other for support, ensuring our exponential growth and mutual achievement.
Choose from 3 fun opportunities for building community:
✿ Co-Create a Team Anthem: Tell and affirm your own team stories as I guide you and your team through co-creating, performing, and recording your very own team song.
✿ Nightmare Wrangling: Create more space for ease in the workplace with a music meditation tuned to exploring whatever is holding you back as a team, anything that isn’t working, the nightmares that follow you home after hours.
✿ Dreaming Our Futures: Get clear on team goals for now and for the future with a musical collaboration and dreaming session centered on strategizing actionable plans for achieving and exceeding your team goals.
When we sing or make sounds together, as a collective, our bodies release oxytocin. Oxytocin has a powerful effect in enhancing a feeling of connectedness between people. My bespoke team building experiences unite you and your team with the world’s most accessible stress reliever: music.
I welcome you and your team to channel interdependence with me as we connect meaningfully, strengthen our relationships, celebrate our shared triumphs, reinvigorate our desire to make a resounding impact, and collectively dream a future worth working towards together.
✿ Building community among remote teams.
✿ Increasing productive communications.
✿ Generating creative ideas.
✿ Collaboratively solving complex problems.
✿ Improving team performance.
✿ Facilitating support for being vulnerable as a team.
✿ Decreasing stress and anxiety.
✿ Fostering real belonging and inclusion.
✿ Dealing with interpersonal difficulties.
✿ Listening to and affirming team members and team needs.
✿ Creating actionable plans to meet and exceed team goals.
All Bespoke Team Building experiences with Alexa Dexa are priced at:
✿ $75 per person for 30 min
✿ $125 per person for 60 min
✿ $175 per person for 90 min
✿ $225 per person for 120 min
✿ $275 per person for 150 min
Inquire with Alexa Dexa at [email protected] for specialized quotes and session subscriptions.
Bespoke Team Building Experiences:
Each of my offerings are designed with the flexibility to be custom-tailored to the focus areas that matter to you and your team most. Sessions can be as long or as short as you need with complete customization based on what you want to achieve. You can also approach my sessions without specific focus areas in mind, allowing team needs and goals to surface organically, guided by my perceptive resource-based oracle readings. Another option: a bit of both! Combine focus areas with fluidity and we’ll weave together the learnings that resonate along the way.
No matter which experience you choose, you’ll leave with a document sharing key takeaways from our conversations and oracle readings. An audio recording of our collaborative music-making will be yours to keep and come back to, a transformative reminder of what we can achieve by working together.
Co-create a Team Anthem
How are you and your team showing up for each other? Let’s set in motion an ongoing, transformative practice for offering ourselves and each other meaningful connection and support.
Together, you and your team will tell and affirm your own team stories as I guide you through co-creating your very own team anthem. We’ll meet over Zoom. We’ll talk about the connection and support you’d like to call in and experience as a team. An oracle reading with my original Sacrosanct Oracle//Composition Deck will share resources to rely on and added insight. Our conversation will become the lyrics for your team anthem. Your chosen oracle cards will double as graphic musical scores, which I’ll read musically as I lead the performance of your new team anthem with my voice, an orchestra of toy instruments to rival a playpen, and live electronic processing. Everyone is welcome to join in the music-making as a team with any mechanism for generating sound and a connection to experimentation and play in a fun and judgement-free environment.
Book your team building experience to Co-create a Team Anthem.
Perfect for: Deepening belonging and inclusion, countering the disconnect affecting remote teams, leveling up remote communications, and enhancing team collaboration and solidarity, resulting in a happier and healthier workplace.
Nightmare Wrangling
What are your team’s pain points? Let’s wrangle them on up, creating more space for ease and well-being in the workplace!
Tell me everything that’s holding you back as a team, whatever isn’t working, the nightmares that follow you home after hours. I’ll listen carefully and take detailed notes, collecting your pain points one by one. Addressing your work nightmares head on, we’ll problem solve for new possibilities for the workplace with an oracle reading using my original Dreaming Our Futures + Embodying Our Dreams Oracle//Composition Deck, offering a road map for repurposing your nightmares to work in your favor. Then, I’ll translate your nightmares into a bespoke musical performance perfectly suited for team brainstorming. In their new musical form, your nightmares will churn through their energies both harmlessly and very helpfully by opening a portal for you to imagine, navigate, and execute tangible workplace solutions.
Book your Nightmare Wrangling team building experience.
Perfect for: Maximizing efficiency, clearing out cluttered processes, decreasing work-related stress, dealing with interpersonal difficulties, and collaboratively solving complex problems, resulting in an astounding overall improvement in team performance.
Dreaming Our Futures
What are your team’s goals, for now and for the future? Let’s get clear on what we want and strategize actionable plans for achieving and exceeding our goals.
Immerse yourself in pure potential as you and your team are guided gently towards dreaming a future worth working towards together. Come knowing the themes you’d like to dream on as a team or gain insight into generative focus areas with an oracle reading using my original Dreaming Our Futures + Embodying Our Dreams Oracle//Composition Deck. Popular themes to dream on include imagining pathways towards achieving specific team goals, brainstorming solutions for pressing team issues, and uplifting team spirits with restorative rest and a celebration of team accomplishments. Based on your chosen focus areas and the oracle cards that surface, I’ll lull you and your team into lush and vibrant dream space with a custom music meditation. As we’re eased back into the present, we’ll work together to analyze our dreams and solidify methods for implementing our newly dreamed ideas.
Book your Dreaming Our Futures team building experience.
Perfect for: Generating creative ideas, collaboratively solving complex problems, re-energizing teams experiencing burnout, and strengthening a sense of agency and appreciation among team members, resulting in an overwhelming increase in team productivity and achievement.
Curious about the music our online collaboration can generate? Have a listen to some of the songs I’ve co-created with remote teams with no formal musical experience.
“Innovative as hell.” – Left Bank Magazine
“Alexa’s wisdom, talent and passion is abundant and effortless. Our team-building session helped me and my team clarify where to channel our energies moving forward.”
“I really needed the direction this offered and the practice of co-creating a song that encapsulates the directions I’m making in my work and my life is so perfect and powerful.”
“Alexa’s approach was individualized, inclusive, sustainable, engaging and collaborative. The language was balanced, integrated, holistic, simple, genuine multidisciplinary with a simplified and standardized method.”
“I’m a bit amazed at all of the change Alexa inspired and facilitated for me. I feel really open and clear. I’ve been holding less tension and releasing quicker. I am speaking up more. I’m so grateful for the work we did.”
“Honestly, I love your sessions so much! They are so warm, inviting, playful, and informative… equally calming and invigorating at the same time. Thank you for setting such a great space for sharing your expertise.”
“Creative, emotionally real, colorful, and unique.”
“An adventurous electroacoustic composer, facilitator of sound-based meditation, and radical queer dreamer, Alexa Dexa is using music as a tool for manifesting change. As a disabled artist based in a strong DIY-ethos, community is centered in their work. Their love of play and positive self-transformation gave way to Bewitch Yourself, a virtual workshop using Alexa’s Sacrosanct Oracle//Composition Deck, a collection of oracle card-graphic scores, in an attempt to offer an inclusive and accessible digital space that combats oppressive forces.” – I Care If You Listen
A survey on Rekindling a Sense of Community at Work for the Harvard Business Review discovered that 65% of people didn’t feel any sense of community at work. When people had a sense of community at work, they were 58% more likely to thrive at work, 55% more engaged, and 66% more likely to stay with their organization. They experienced significantly less stress and were far more likely to thrive outside of work, too.
According to a report titled The State of Workplace Connection published by Blueboard, almost 80% of employees want to work at a company where they feel connected to the people and purpose. A large majority of employees will vote with their feet, staying at companies that prioritize connection, and leaving companies that don’t. Connecting with our employees allows us to build empathy for one another, increases creativity, and drives business results.
New research from Eagle Hill Consulting finds that nearly half of American employees say they are burned out from their jobs. Facilitated opportunities for employees to get to know each other better, build trust, and re-align on priorities can foster a sense of camaraderie and create a positive work culture, which in turn can increase job satisfaction.
A study Linking Daydreaming to Creativity in the Workplace from the Academy of Management Journal notes that daydreaming can have significant upsides for one’s tendency to crack difficult challenges in new ways. The research depicts daydreaming as a critical mechanism accounting for the connection between the type of work people do and the level of creativity they exhibit on the job.
Research on Mind-wandering from ScienceDirect demonstrates that during mind-wandering, you are capable of connecting with your longer-term goals and discovering new ways to think about all kinds of situations. Mind-wandering facilitates creativity, planning, and putting off immediate desires in favor of future rewards. Each of those can be important for working effectively. Not many other things we do can have such a broad impact.
Spending more time resting during the workday doesn’t just stave off burnout — research shared in ‘Rest is productive’: How slowing down at work can help you get more done for CNBC shows resting can stimulate creativity, help you concentrate better and make the time you spend on meetings and tasks more efficient. Productivity isn’t just about getting results, it’s about getting the best results you can, and it’s impossible to perform your best if you’re not well-rested.
Alexa Dexa is a composer-performer and facilitator creating and leading interactive remote-access team building experiences that activate community care, interdependence, and belonging. Noted as “an example of pure charm and whimsy” by The New York Times, Alexa’s creative virtual programming offers joy-centered space for being in community, learning from each other, and cheering each other on with an unwavering support that manifests in happier, revitalized teams. Each of Alexa’s offerings are a testament to the power of our personal and collective stories to shape our well-being and the well-being of our workplaces.
Using sound as a source for generating transformation, Alexa designs indeterminate and improvisatory soundscapes centering processes of community co-creation. They gently and joyfully guide collective sound-making among musicians and non-musicians alike, leading performances with their voice, a collection of toy instruments to rival a playpen, found sounds, and live electronics. The originator of divinatory oracle cards that double as graphic musical scores, Alexa’s insightful readings with their oracle//composition decks offer opportunities for resourcing ourselves, sharing our resources, and for dreaming our most harmonious interconnected paths forward.
Reimagining Team Building for Remote Teams:
Prior to 2020, I spent 8 years DIY touring domestically and internationally, 4 – 6 months out of every year riding public transit with a hiking backpack and my 18-key baby grand toy piano in my arms. I spent my time in community – meeting people, sharing my experiences through my performances and through so many intimate conversations with strangers-turned-friends. When the pandemic began, I knew I wouldn’t be touring for the foreseeable future. So I began to reimagine my performances for the digital realm.
As I dreamed on possibilities for remote-access experiences, what I knew more than anything was that I wanted to hold space for the kind of intimacy and magic that I experienced by entering into meaningful conversations with folks at my shows and in the wild. It is so important to me to be able to make connections and build community, and for that to be part of the art taking place.
So I reimagined my songwriting and sound-making as sites of transformative collective and personal care and community-building. Something we do together. No formal musical experience required, just a connection to experimentation and play. A living conversation and co-creation space where we come together online to share ourselves and to make music together, for each other. Building the container for you and your team to tune in to your creative power is so special to me. The value of our collaboration is simple and true: we each shine brighter when we’re shining together.